Here you will find links to a number of documents and videos relating to food and nutrition.


Helping children to eat healthily and be more physically active in their early years is very important for their health. This establishes healthy lifestyle behaviours that they can continue to use in their older childhood and into adulthood. Startwell wants children to eat well, be active and achieve more.

The Startwell programme is based around 8 key characters and their messages to help early years settings, parents and health professionals create a healthier environment for our children and families.

Good for the Holidays – Food Active Toolkit

The Good Food for the Holidays – Food Active Toolkit provides support good food for the Birmingham Holiday Activity and Food Programme

My Pocket Cookbook

Make your own cookbook and record any new recipes that you try. Or create your own unique recipes and keep note of it to make again!

Download the My Pocket Cookbook.

Extending Children’s Food Experiences

Recorded online webinar for holiday activity programmes delivered by Food for Life. This session looks at; outline training and advice on seasonal activities that connect children to their food, engaging children with food preparation, relaying nutritional messages to children that they can take back to their families, practical advice on delivering good food, signposting to further resources.

Watch the recorded webinar.

Feeding Britain – The Children’s Kitchen

Recorded online webinars for holiday activity programmes by Feeding Britain.

Inclusive Cooking for children with additional needs or dietary requirements. Includes approaches to encourage all children to be able to access food workshops, activities to engage learners, and techniques to consider for children with additional needs. Considering allergies and dietary requirements.

Watch the recorded webinar.

Hands-on food workshops for children and families. Ideas for sessions that encourage children to try new and fresh ingredients following the school food plan, planning safe and engaging food activities, risk assessments and food safety.

Watch the recorded webinar.

Cooking for Children, preparing cooked lunches for children following the school food plan guidelines. Ideas for meals that are practical to cook and provide a healthy balanced lunch, food hygiene and risk assessments for cooking lunches, involving children in the lunch preparation.

Watch the recorded webinar.

British Nutrition Good Breakfast Guide

Studies show that healthy breakfasts can benefit children’s diet quality, body weight and can support learning.
Many school-aged children skip breakfast. Missing out on a nutritious breakfast can make it harder for children and young people to get enough of the nutrients they need.

Allergen guidance for food businesses

Read Food Standard Agency Allergy Guidance on providing allergen information and best practice for handling allergens.