Step into a world of flavour and fun with Essence Youth Mentoring! For the first time this winter, Essence girls got a taste of Hakuna Fruitata magic. Armed with fresh ideas from Bring it on Brum!’s Let’s Talk about Food session, Essence leaders whipped up a feast of interactive cooking workshops.

Cooking Up Heritage

At Essence, cooking isn’t just about meals—it’s about sharing culture and community. Girls worked together to craft Caribbean patties from scratch, exploring herbs with a fun ‘smell test’, kneading pastry, and filling them with savoury goodness to take home.

A Week of Culinary Delights

From sizzling patties to exploring new flavors, cooking sessions stole the show! Essence girls loved diving into their heritage through food, making every bite a celebration of culture and creativity.

Feedback That Says It All

The verdict is in: cooking was the highlight of the holiday club! Essence girls raved about their culinary adventures, proving that food isn’t just for eating—it’s for making memories and sharing joy with friends.

More Than Cooking

Hakuna Fruitata isn’t just about recipes—it’s about building confidence, creating connections, and celebrating the rich tapestry of our community. Essence Youth Mentoring and Hakuna Fruitata: where every bite tells a story and every session is seasoned with laughter and love!