Over 160 young people in Birmingham had the chance to dream big and explore future possibilities with the exciting Aspiration Days hosted by the University of Birmingham, Oriel College, and Aston University. As part of the Bring it on Brum! programme, these unique taster days aimed to inspire students from the city’s secondary schools, opening their eyes to the incredible opportunities available in higher education.

University of Birmingham

The adventure kicked off with 100 Year 7 and 8 students diving into campus life at the University of Birmingham. A similar event is planned for Years 9 and 10 this summer. The students enjoyed a whirlwind of activities, including:

  • Exploring the Lapworth Museum
  • Interactive sessions with the renewable energies team
  • Sports activities at the Sports Centre, including karate and climbing

“The University of Birmingham’s Outreach Office is proud to support young people from our local communities. Hosting the HAF program in partnership with StreetGames allows us to provide these students with a first-class educational experience and valuable insights into health and nutrition,” said Mohammed Ansar, Senior Outreach Officer at the University of Birmingham.

Oriel College, Oxford

In the spring holidays, 30 Year 10 students experienced the historic charm of Oriel College, Oxford, during a two-day residential program. Highlights included:

  • Introduction to university life and applications by the Admission Tutor
  • Talks from undergraduate student ambassadors
  • Group learning activities led by College Tutors
  • A visit to the world-famous Ashmolean Museum

Staying overnight at Oriel College, founded in 1325, helped demystify the Oxford application process and provided an unforgettable glimpse into life at one of the oldest colleges.

Aston University

A group of 30 young people, aged 11-16, visited Aston University on April 12th and 13th to participate in a hybrid programme focusing on digital and entrepreneurial skills. Working with industry leaders, participants developed their own social action companies, addressing local community priorities. Their efforts will be submitted to ASDAN for accreditation. Another programme is planned for summer 2023.

“Aston University is dedicated to supporting socio-economic transformation and inspiring the next generation of leaders. We are thrilled to host the HAF Digital Tycoon program and work with the region’s young people on this important agenda,” said Prof Aleks Subic, Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive of Aston University.

Partnering with these prestigious institutions, Bring it on Brum! aims to give young people a taste of higher education and ignite their ambitions. Derek Peaple, School Lead for Bring it on Brum!, expressed his gratitude: “We are enormously grateful to the Outreach Staff and Student Ambassadors for creating these unique and inspiring opportunities. These days are designed to encourage students to set their sights high and recognize that an exciting future of learning awaits them.”

Jen Carter, Director of Holiday Gap, StreetGames, added, “We’re proud of the work Bring it on Brum! is doing to provide safe, fun activities and nutritious food during the school holidays. It’s equally important to feed young people’s ambitions and offer them new learning experiences. We hope these aspiration days will give them a valuable glimpse into higher education and fresh ideas about their future.”